
Top 10 lists for the complete eco-citizens

Crédit photo: Julie Lupien

Eco-citizens in action?

The individual

Julie Lupien, a journalist from La Tribune, asked me a question that took me by surprise. “What do you want to see for the year 2019?” I realized that all my answers were often centered on individual decisions and eco-citizen actions. I believe that it is still in our power to change our lifestyle: our diet, our relationship with the car, energy management, and our consumption. We have a power that is not negligible. However I ask myself, are individuals actions enough to create a real change to fight global warming?

The community

I think the big players (corporations and governments), are semi-attentive to what is happening to the environment. They are listening to the background noise from the earth-friendly community. Decision makers must respond to requests from customers, investors, and shareholders. We are moving the pendulum towards a green future. However, we must fight against an important enemy, inertia. Citizen inertia, a concept contrary to eco-citizenship, which hangs, roots, blocks, stops and undermines the hope of a young generation that wants a better world. What can we do? I believe we must engage in a process of resistance and fighting.

“Change your life today. Don’t gamble on the future, act now, without delay.”
Simone de Beauvoir

Here is my little guide of the resistant eco-citizen for 2019.

1. Action. Always action. Be proactive.
2. Sign the Pact.
3. Learn
4. Reduce your consumption
5. Be present at municipal, provincial, state assemblies. Ask questions.
6. Ask your employer to become a green employer.
7. Talk to your neighbors, friends, and family about your concerns.
8. Communicate social networks, email, and letters to the editor.
9. Play outside. We can only save what we know.
10. Support financially environmental organizations.

Good green and happy reflections for 2019.